New sizzle reel for the Idea Foundry....
It has been a while! A lot has happened in the last couple of years, and I look forward to posting more frequently. Above is a link to...

How to Create 7 Billion Educated and Empowered Innovators
Colin Powell has an inspiring list of management tips, and one of my favorites is: "hire people who can see around corners". While...

Idea Foundry Origin Story
As a kid, I was always inspired by visions of the future that I had read about in sci fi books and seen in movies - "hardcore sci-fi"...

Dreams, naivete', and furniture...
One of the original reasons I became inspired to learn how to make things, and to have a workshop, was so that I could make furniture. I...

About that graph on the home page....
As you can probably guess, I'm a proud geek..... and I totally geeked out in college when I learned about control theory. I go more into...
So - the last ten years have been a whirlwind... Got my PhD. Moved to Columbus and joined a tech company. Started a small hobby...